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Get Off My Lawn #4 | Murder in the Classroom
This is the last of our antifa four-part series where we look at the curiously violent girls on the front lines. It appears well over half of this domestic terrorist group is women and they tend to be the ones the most willing to brawl. Inevitably, they get their asses kicked. Before we examine this strange phenomenon of false hubris, we talk to Lisa dePasquale who recently finished a brilliant parody of the Alt-Left entitled, "The Social Justice Warrior Handbook: A Practical Survival Guide for Snowflakes, Millennials and Generation Z.” We also talk to Joey Gibson of Patriot Prayer who is fighting the war on freedom with pacifism and Christianity. However, before such heady topics can be taken on, it’s important to look at some beautiful lawns and a drag show where a guy has a grass mustache.
Oct 03rd, 2017